teamwork-people working together
Picture of freelance designers working together in an office.

Freelancer Pay: What Are You Worth?

At Coworkaholic we love the wonderful and unpredictable world of freelancing. But we know it can be hard to scale what your business should be worth in order to create passive income.

Freelancers have more control over their income, but what are the levels of pay across the freelance sector? Will COVID-19 have an impact and, what does the future hold for freelance income?

One of the characteristics of the freelance life is an unpredictable income. Periods of famine and feast are common. Have rates of pay improved over the last few years? And will the current pandemic have a lasting impact on rates of pay across the small business and freelance communities?

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The post Freelancer Pay: What Are You Worth? was published on Coworkaholic.