a man sitting on a suitcase with his head in his hands

How to Overcome the Fear of Flying

Are you a nervous flyer? Or worse yet, is a fear of flying (aviophobia) leaving you scrolling Instagram with wanderlust rather than planning your next trip? While some rely on medication (or a stiff drink) to avoid turbulence induced panic, others turn to counseling.

Meet A Points and Miles Addict Who’s Afraid of Flying

On a recent episode of the Award Travel 101 Podcast, host Richard Kerr interviews Toni Southam, a long time Award Travel 101 moderator (who’s afraid of flying) and Paul Borish, a licensed counselor who specializes in helping those with a fear of flying. Tune in to learn different ways to tackle this fear and other resources to help find what can work best for you.

To learn more about Paul’s services, or to schedule a free 20 minute consultation, check out his website travelerspsych.com or reach him by email at paul@travelerspsych.com.

Award Travel 101 Podcast

Founded in 2013, the Award Travel 101 Facebook group teaches members how to travel the world using points and miles. Today, their community of over 50,000 people from around the world share, teach and learn how to travel anywhere on any budget. More than just a recap on award travel news and strategy, the Award Travel 101 Podcast offers a glimpse into the stories and lives of our Award Travel 101 community members.

The post Overcoming the Fear of Flying was first published on Coworkaholic.

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