a man and woman sitting at a table with laptops

How You Can Continue to Network & Build Mentor Relationships During a Pandemic

Coworkaholic Networking

Are you new to the world of remote work? Or maybe you’re simply longing for a networking opportunity? Well, there are ways to continue building your network without physically meeting others. But how do you do it? Forbes has 5 steps that can get you closer to finding the perfect mentor in the midst of COVID-19. 

Coworkaholic Travel

LAX will begin installing thermal cameras around the airport. The scans are completely voluntary. Plus, both departing and arriving passengers can participate. If there’s a temperature reading of 100.4 and higher, they will be given an additional no-contact temperature test. If the test is not passed, passengers will be strongly encouraged not to fly. And for arriving passengers, they will need to meet with a CDC Agent.

a city at night with many pillars

Coworkaholic Hustle

If you’re looking for long-term remote work opportunities, then look no further! There are 18 companies hiring right now for positions that will stay remote. Companies included on the list are Amazon, Mastercard, Shopify, Capital One, and Adobe just to name a few.

The post How You Can Continue to Network & Build Mentor Relationships During a Pandemic was first published on Coworkaholic.

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