mountains in Montana

Take Your Last Summer Road Trip to Montana’s Newest Hotel

No! Summer isn’t over yet! How about getting one more road trip in before the month ends? What about the perfect road trip to the outdoorsy state of Montana?

More: 7 Important Tips When Traveling by Car

Montana’s newest hotel is located in the panoramic mountain city of Bozeman. The Kimpton Armory Hotel Bozeman literally just opened for the first time today. And with the hotel’s location, the mountain views are not even compromised for a second.


National Parks and outdoor road trips have proven hugely popular this year, and Bozeman is the key gateway to many excellent adventures.

“As a brand, Kimpton hits the perfect sweet spot between budget and luxury, with affordable but attractive amenities, it’s hip, and exceptionally pet friendly…”

Larry Olmsted, ForbesLife

Continue reading here for more information on what makes this such an iconic and historical moment for Montana.

The post Take Your Last Summer Road Trip to Montana’s Newest Hotel was first published on Coworkaholic.