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Coworkaholic Travel
The Global Entry membership was especially awesome to have in the international travel days pre-Covid. When returning to the US, having global entry saves you lots of time by helping you avoid long passport lines, access to TSA Precheck, and is good for 5 years.
As a result of COVID-19, however, it has brought along many disappointments. From the DHS making false statements helping deny New Yorkers Global Entry earlier this summer, to the membership price increasing.
It’s unclear as to when the price will increase from $100 to $120. So, if your Trusted Traveler program is expiring soon, you may want to go ahead and renew your membership now.
Coworkaholic Hustle
Has more time at home got you thinking about writing more? Maybe writing more in your journal or even starting your own blog? Well many have considered even writing a book!
Our own Mike LaRosa was on the book writing journey long before COVID-19, but maybe you’re interested in getting started on yours now.
If that’s the case, you should consider these 7 things first to help you establish where to even begin your very own book writing journey.
The post Global Entry Membership is Going Up in Price, But Nobody Knows When was first published on Coworkaholic.