2 adults and a dog

5 Things You Can Get Rid of After 30

Between your teenage years and 30, you are probably still trying to know yourself better. This is the time you look for a partner, chase academic excellence, and fight for your dream job. It is the epitome of self-discovery; a time to figure out what kind of adult you wish to become. 

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Things change considerably after your 30th birthday. You have to step everything up, from getting your financial life in order, investing in home improvement, to setting a base for career take-off, you name it! You are now the adult you were creating for yourself throughout your twenties. 

Growing up is hard, but it has its benefits too. You finally are completely independent of your parents, you are free to make decisions on your own, and you are in control of your surroundings. Maybe you own a home now, and you are dedicating lots of your love to that beautiful home- the greatest investment in your life so far. This is the time to hire a good siding contractor who will make your home exteriors beautiful and the interiors safe from harsh elements of weather. You are making considerable efforts to ensure that the interior of your new home is cozy, comfortable, and fun. 

Being in your thirties also means downsizing and ridding your personal space off clutter.

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You are investing in better beddings, kitchen gear, and décor items. Maybe there are clothes you used to wear so fondly in your 20s, but you feel like you’ve outgrown them now. It is time to turn over a new leaf in your life. Here are 5 things that you might consider getting rid of as you turn 30:

1. Clothes you don’t need or use

Those ill-fitting clothes have played their part; it is time to let them go. If you are convinced that you will never wear them again, no matter how reluctant your mind is in letting go, make a resolution to donate them to goodwill after you turn 30. There are also those bras and underwear that you’ve either outgrown or that are no longer comfortable. Create more space in your drawer by disposing of them.

2. Clear unwanted kitchenware

It is understandable to use plastic kitchenware through college and slightly after graduating, but not into your 30s. The frugal times of college are gone; it is time to upgrade your kitchen. Invest in real dinner plates and get rid of those peeling, crusty, and stained plastic plates. Those coffee mugs that you bought in college but you don’t use anymore also deserve to go.

3. Old beddings and towels

There are those old beddings you have had since your days in the dorm. Maybe they were given to you as a gift by your college roommate or your parents upon moving into your first apartment. Just toss them out and invest in better quality beddings. There should be no space in your new home for worn-out bed pillows. In fact, now that things are looking up for you, you should be changing your pillows more often, probably every other year. Throw away that dirty towel now and buy a couple of better ones. Remember to buy a few extra towels for your guests. 

4. Outdated items

Your clothing hangers might not be modern enough for your modern, functional closet. Get rid of those wire hangers, especially those you collected from your dry cleaner 5 years ago. Some of these hangers are not only outdated but they are cheaply made and ugly. They also bend very easily. 

Other outdated items that you ought to rid your home off are old cell phones. You probably have been keeping them around as a precaution, but you are now more financially stable than in your 20s. You can afford to replace your current phone if the need arises. Get rid of all those flip phones and outdated Motorola or Blackberry models. Any old electronic product doesn’t deserve a place in your drawer.

5. Books you don’t intend to read ever again

If you bought a book but didn’t even finish reading it because it was boring, just donate it to a local library. Or maybe you’ve read a book countless times, or you were reading it for academic purposes and you’ve since graduated, take it off your home shelf.


It’s time to get rid of that which no longer serves you or your home! It is hard to part with an item that got you through the roughest phase of your life, an item through which you’ve made tons of sweet memories, but sometimes it is important to be honest with yourself about life. You have to let go of what you might never utilize in the future so that you can create space for new, more useful items.

The post 5 Things You Can Get Rid of After 30 was first published on Coworkaholic.

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