If you work from home (or remote) our friends at Remote-How have got a day full of educations, networking and prizes for you!
Why Global Work From Home Day?
Remote-work is on the rise and that’s why on the 10th of April Remote-How is organizing Global Work From Home Day. This day will be a celebration of working from home (wherever home happens to be at the moment!) for all the employees and employers around the world. Network and meet fellow remote workers under the hashtag #WorkFromHomeDay.

Coworkaholic is a proud partner of Global Work From Home Day and thanks to our friends at Deskpass will be giving away a free membership to a lucky participant! Why? Because sure, we all work from home – but some days you need either a change of scenery or an office. For that, there’s coworking! And what better way to explore coworking than Deskpass?
How to Sign Up for Global Work From Home Day

Did You Say Prizes?
Yup! As if winning a free Deskpass membership wasn’t enough, other prizes for participants include Bose QuietComfort 35 Wireless Headphones and a Rain Design mStand360 Laptop Stand.
Why & Who Should Participate?

About Remote-How
Remote-How is on a mission to enable everyone to have the freedom of choice where, when and how they work. We facilitate going remote for companies and individuals through education, community support and consulting.
The post Global Work From Home Day Set for April 10th was first published on Coworkaholic.